JUNE 24 Wisdom 1-2-3: Letting go of what does not serve you

1 Monthly Wisdom Quote

"What’s like nectar in the beginning becomes like poison in the end. What’s like poison in the beginning becomes like nectar in the end.”

- The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verses 37-38

2 Inspirational Nuggets from Me

I. I. At the beginning of your spiritual wellness journey, removing harmful sensory experiences is more important than adding more pure (nectar-like) ones.

II. The process of detachment from excessive sensory experiences and our desires for them begins with a period of abstinence from the very thing we want most a period that allows us to recalibrate and determine with a clear head how to move forward.

3 Introspective Questions to Awaken Your Inner Guru

I. What’s a sensory experience that you regularly indulge in that is harmful to you (e.g. overeating, consuming too many videos or scrolling Instagram one too many times, listening to loud music that hurts your ears, overexercising, talking too much, etc.)?

II. Can you try to abstain from this experience for one week? 

III. Knowing that we can never give up anything, but per the ancient Vedic spiritual tradition, only take up something higher, what’s a higher ideal you can anchor yourself in and remind yourself in the face of sensory temptations?

Until next week,

Ananta Ripa Ajmera, Co-founder and Director of The Ancient Way and Author of The Way of the Goddess


Dive Deeper Into This Month’s Theme

If you are ready to rise from the ashes of trauma and to stop being in emotional pain, this episode on the sacral chakra healing journey holds a sacred key to your spiritual liberation.

Join me as I share the sacral chakra healing journey I personally underwent, and how it empowered me in the face of wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing.

In this episode, we explore the practice of brahmacharya, a powerful spiritual transformation growth factor and discipline that guides you towards a higher spiritual power within you. Together, we will dive deeper into the sacred realms of brahmacharya for the healing of emotional wounds.


True to Yourself Podcast 23: A Powerful Breathing Exercise for Anxiety Relief with Ananta Ripa Ajmera


True to Yourself Podcast 22: The Sacral Chakra Healing Journey with Ananta Ripa Ajmera